Unlocking the Secrets of Breast Ultrasound

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Price: $0.00

Course Details

Current courses in the series: 

  • Basic Breast Anatomy and Physiology
  • Ultrasound of Normal Breast Anatomy
  • Basic Physics of Ultrasound
  • Mammography Correlation for Breast Ultrasound
  • Breast Biopsy Markers and Twinkling

The course is intended for breast sonographers preparing for the Breast Sonography Certification exam, breast radiology trainees, non-radiologists, and breast surgeons, especially those who use ultrasound. The course may also serve as a refresher for clinical radiologists.

Basic Breast Anatomy and Physiology

Basic Breast Anatomy and Physiology provides a brief overview of breast anatomy, focusing on the structure of the breast, vascularity, lymphatics, and breast development and physiology. The course is intended for breast sonographers preparing for the Breast Sonography Certification exam, or as a high-level refresher for breast radiology trainees, clinical radiologists and non-radiologists, especially those who use ultrasound.


Key concepts covered in this module include:

  • Anatomy Overview
  • Detailed Breast Anatomy
  • Breast Development and Pregnancy Induced Changes 


Ultrasound of Normal Breast Anatomy 

This module takes the key concepts from the Basic Breast Anatomy and Physiology course and explores breast anatomy under the transducer of ultrasound imaging. In this course you’ll view detailed scans showing breast anatomy structure, compare ultrasound images to cadaveric specimens, learn tips to improve imaging quality, and explore the breast in ultrasound imaging and cine. The course is intended for breast sonographers preparing for the Breast Sonography Certification exam, breast radiology trainees, non-radiologists, and breast surgeons, especially those who use ultrasound. The course may also serve as a refresher for clinical radiologists.


Key ultrasound anatomy covered in this module include:

  • Skin
  • Nipple/ Ducts
  • Fibroglandular Tissue
  • Pregnancy and Lactational Changes
  • Suspensory Ligaments (of Cooper)
  • Pectoralis Musculature
  • Ribs/Cartilage Near the Sternum
  • Vascular System
  • Lymph Nodes


Basic Physics of Ultrasound

The Basic Physics of Ultrasound course reviews key concepts including the basics of ultrasound equipment, transducers, characteristics of ultrasound waves, image resolution, range, transmission media, and echogenicity.


Key ultrasound concepts covered in this module include:

  • Generation of Ultrasound Signals
  • Ultrasound Wave Characteristics
  • Image Resolution and Dynamic Range
  • Echogenicity


Mammography Correlation for Breast Ultrasound

Mammography is the most common screening breast exam for women over the age of 40. If the interpreting radiologist detects an abnormality on screening mammography, the patient will undergo additional imaging evaluation. Depending on the finding, this may consist of mammographic and/or sonographic evaluation. Accurate mammographic correlation is critical to ensure appropriate sonographic localization of the mammographic finding.



  • Understand mammography positioning concepts and techniques
  • Explain the process of sonographic localization from triangulation
  • Discuss breast ultrasound scanning fundamentals
  • Discuss advanced mammography considerations and their effects on breast ultrasound localization
  • Review advanced breast ultrasound considerations and apply them to practice


Breast Biopsy Markers and Twinkling

Over three dozen breast biopsy markers, or clips, are commercially available today, yet most remain difficult to detect by ultrasound. This course offers an in-depth overview of breast biopsy markers and provides guidance on using ultrasound color Doppler twinkling to improve marker detection. 


Key concepts covered in this module include:

  • Primer on Markers or Clips
  • B-Mode Strategies to Improve Marker Detection
  • Color Doppler Twinkling
  • How to Scan for Twinkling Clinically


Additional Courses