Mayo Clinic Women's Imaging Review Course 2018

December 10-13, 2018
JW Marriott Marco Island Marriott Beach Resort, Marco Island, Florida, Marco Island, Florida

Registration Closed
Credit Types: AMA PRA Category 1™ (20.0), SAMs (16), Price: $995



Participants of the Mayo Clinic Women’s Imaging Review Course are invited to submit abstracts based on breast or gynecological imaging for poster presentations. Goals of the poster presentations are to educate and inform about research innovations, share ideas and interest, and network with other participants. Previously presented materials are accepted. Posters of accepted abstracts will be displayed for viewing throughout the course.

Abstract Guidelines:

  • Types of abstracts accepted include: original scientific research, educational exhibits, case reports, cases series, and quality improvement projects relating to women’s imaging (breast and gynecological)
    • Original Scientific Research
      • Abstract proposals can be submitted in paragraph form and should include an abbreviated version of the final poster/content.  This could include condensed information on purpose/objectives, methods/ materials, results and conclusions.
    • Educational Exhibits
      • Exhibits on a clinical aspect of breast/gynecological imaging or breast/gynecological imaging education.
      • Topics may be wide ranging and may include issues such as image interpretation, procedure technique, non-interpretative clinical skills, educational techniques, and imaging economics.  Educational exhibits may include case series or pictorial essays demonstrating particular imaging features or clinical or educational concepts.
      • Abstracts proposals can be submitted in paragraph form and should include an abbreviated version of the final poster/content.  This could include condensed information on purpose/objectives, methods/ materials, results and conclusions.
    • Case Reports/Case Series
      • Abstract should include a short summary of the case(s) and three teaching points. Cases with multiple imaging modalities are encouraged.
  • Abstract submissions are limited to 400 words, excluding title, author, and institution information and should be submitted as a one-page, single-spaced Word document.
  • Inclusion of tables and images is acceptable, but must be within the one-page abstract document.
  • The title should be at the top of the abstract in bold font followed by a complete list of authors including relevant degrees, department, and medical institution. Please identify the presenting author(s) with an asterisk (*).

Paper Poster Guidelines:

  • For abstracts selected as poster presentations, the maximum poster size allowed is 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide. Poster display boards and Velcro will be provided to mount posters for display.

Electronic Poster Guidelines:

  • PowerPoint should have a maximum of 25 slides and should avoid imbedded videos.

Submission Deadline and Instructions:

Abstract submissions are due by November 1, 2018, and can be submitted via email to Please indicate whether you would like to submit a paper or an electronic poster.

Selection and Notification:

A review committee will evaluate poster abstracts based on the following criteria: scientific content, novelty, writing quality, and overall scientific merit. Notification of poster acceptance will be made via email by November 9, 2018. Additional information will also be sent at this time including information on how to submit paper and electronic posters.

All presenters are required to register for the meeting. Mayo Clinic will not provide reimbursement for registration, travel or lodging for presenters.


Any questions regarding abstract submissions can be directed to the Mayo Clinic Department of Radiology CME Office at 866-246-1581 or

Credit Types Offered
  • AMA PRA Category 1
  • SAMs

Price: $995

Cancellation, Refund and Other Conditions of Use