Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) - Self Study

Registration Closed
Credit Types: AMA PRA Category 1™ (4.5), SA-CME (4.5), Price: DVD / User Package / Streaming Video


Course Description

The Advanced Radiology Life Support™ (ARLS) course is designed to focus on the unique, life threatening emergencies that occur within a radiology department. It is designed to teach prompt recognition and treatment of contrast reactions. The ARLS course will discuss management of the sedated patient and the proper management of an airway in an emergency situation. The administration of contrast in patients with renal insufficiency including contrast induced nephropathy and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis will be discussed. Basic concepts of advanced life support will also be reviewed. This course is fashioned after the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course that has been successfully teaching physicians, nurses, and allied health personnel patient management during cardiac arrest.

The ARLS and sedation materials included in this course were used to train physicians, nurses, and allied health personnel at Mayo Clinic to meet Joint Commission Standards or to prepare for Joint Commission site visits. This training program may help to prepare your program for similar evaluations.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon conclusion of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Review types of contrast agents
  • Identify all serious contrast reactions
  • Describe appropriate treatment regimens for specific types of contrast reactions
  • Review risk factors for and potential impact of contrast induced nephropathy
  • Review risk factors for and potential impact of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF)
  • Discuss most effective strategies for contrast administration in renal disease
  • Describe proper use and administration of moderate sedation and analgesic medications
  • Demonstrate the proper management of an airway in an emergency situation

Participation in this Mayo course does not indicate nor guarantee competence or proficiency in the performance of any procedures which may be discussed or taught in this course.

Credit Types Offered
  • AMA PRA Category 1
  • SA-CME

Price: DVD / User Package / Streaming Video

Cancellation, Refund and Other Conditions of Use