The Carole R. Doris and Peter E. Doris, MD Endowed Lecture Series at Mayo Clinic EVENING SERIES

March 24, 2025
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

Currently accepting registrations!
Credit Types: AMA PRA Category 1™ (1.5), Price: $0.00


This event is for Mayo Clinic Employees ONLY, with both in-person and virtual options available.

Course Description:

The Carole R. Doris and Peter E. Doris, MD Endowed lecture series is a forum to unite the specialties of radiology and emergency medicine in continuation of the passion for collaboration between these two disciplines that Dr. Doris showed throughout his practice. This is the second time the course is offering credits.  

This symposium focuses on intimate partner violence from the perspective of both bedside care and emergency imaging including optimizing our awareness, communication, and approach to align with trauma-informed-care; as well as specific nuance in emergency imaging modalities and even the use of emerging technologies to improve our care delivery. Furthermore, this event will focus on special subset populations as well such as people who may be victims of human trafficking.  

Explore the program, including session details and speakers, in the course evening program.

Course Learning Objectives:

Upon conclusion of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Identify signs of human trafficking in clinical presentations and through imaging findings.
  • Develop practical approaches for assessing and managing suspected human trafficking cases in the emergency setting.
  • Define trauma informed care (TIC) and its importance in managing patients affected by IPV in the ED

Attendance at this Mayo course does not indicate nor guarantee competence or proficiency in the performance of any procedures which may be discussed or taught in this course.

Credit Types Offered
  • AMA PRA Category 1

Price: $0.00

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